The best Allison Hayes movie I have watched to date has to be THE HYPNOTIC EYE (1960)


Allison Hayes is not only stunning in this film, but the film itself is quite enjoyable to watch because it had a great cast and story. It is a combination sci-fi/horror film. Directed by George Blair, The Hypnotic Eye features the amazing Jacques Bergerac, as the evil hypnotist. 

He plays the part perfectly. He looks like a French James Bond and has a lot of charisma but unfortunately quite evil and he is supported by the evil character of Justine played by Allison Hayes. Using hypnosis he makes beautiful unsuspecting women do self mutilation to themselves. The opening scene of the film is fantastic where a beautiful woman begins to wash her hair with shampoo but suddenly turns on the stove top and her head is ignited and engulfed in flames. 

Excellent supporting cast with Mary Anders, Marcia Blaine, and Fred Demara. Here is a review of the film on youtube which I found informative and interesting. As the reviewer states, this is an underrated film. I think of all the Allison Hayes films I have watched to date that this is the best one. 


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